Friday, December 10, 2010

I leave everything I my car?

As this blogs comes to a close, I thought I should I include a weird law from the state in which I currently reside, Connecticut:

Sec. 30-97. Town and probate records not to be kept where liquor is sold.

Town or probate records shall not be kept in any room in which alcoholic liquor is sold, nor in any room from which there is direct access to a room in which such liquor is sold. Any town clerk or judge of probate violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 30-113.

For those of you who don't know, according to Wikipedia:  " A probate interprets the instructions of the deceased, decides the executor as the personal representative of the estate, and adjudicates the interests of heirs and other parties who may have claims against the estate."  So what reason could the Connecticut legislative system have of including such an oddly specific law in the transcript of their laws?  Someone must have screwed up majorly.  I could only imagine:
Lord Connecticut:  Aye, my good pub master, I have my will with me and I'm feeling famished.  Could you hold my will and then pass me two tall mugs of your finest lager?  Sure be a shame if my last testament got soaked in ale!
Pub Owner:  M'Lord!  Anything you need sir!  Two mugs of the finest lager, on the double!
*one hour and about 3 mugs later*
Lord Connecticut:  You know, I own all of Connecticut, which currently has the most stable economy of all the colonies.  If I was to sell this great territory to hands of the treacherous secessionists, I'd be giving away this gold mine for next to nothing.  It would be almost as crazy as all the European nations joining together to create some kind of...European union. The strongest nations would be on par with the weakest nations, and there would be extraordinary superpowers.  How absurd!
*one more hour and 2.5 mugs later*
Lord Connecticut:  ...But what is freedom really?  With the taxes we pay to the Crown, we could easily afford to pay for some meaningful infrastructure in these mostly rural portions of the territory.  See that's what the Royalists don't tell you:  sending us here and telling is to report the to Crown with our profits is economic suicide!  The best thing for the territory, and the people that are contained within it, who do not plan on returning to England, would be secede and devote our materials only to ourselves and our needs!
Pub Owner:  I'll drink to that!
Lord Connecticut:  Aye, mate!  As a matter of fact, pass me the will!  I've got to make me a corollary!
And at my death, I will the entire territory, to be named (What would be a good name?  My name?  Connecticut?  You sure it'll catch on?  Okay then, we'll do that.) Connecticut, to join the other colonies and revolt against unjust taxation, and if necessary, secede.  And no, I'm not drunk.  It's the Pub Owner who's drunk.  Haha just playing.  Actually, I leave my estate to this guy (What's your name?) Remington Hilton.  He's such a great guy.  Says he wants to start something like a chain of inns around the colony to provide lodging to travelers.  Such a visionary.
Needless to say, Lord Connecticut died of alcohol poisoning at the bar, and no one was too pleased.  Except for the Hilton family.

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